Transfer Pivot

When Diana was first transferred to the Rehab facility, she was almost completely bedridden. They would use a thing called a Hoyer if they needed to move her. It was basically a hydraulic lift with a body sling. Neither of us was overly impressed with method of transfer. The sling would bend her body into some very uncomfortable positions and it had straps fastened to it that would dig into her skin.

Once she got a little stronger, one of her physical therapist decided to try using a pivot to transfer her from the bed to a wheelchair. This worked pretty well and I got trained on how to use it. It was unfortunate that the facility only had one of these which meant that I didn't always have access to it.

I just decided to buy her one of her own. Now I was able to transfer her into a wheelchair and back into bed without needing to rely on several aids to do it. We were so glad to have this when she came home. I have no idea what we would have done without it.

Diana was not really strong enough yet to use a walker that well. Having this pivot made it so much easier to get in and out of her bed and wheelchair. We later started using it to get her on and off the commode.

Diana was calling this thing her best friend after awhile because it allowed her to do things she would not of been able to do otherwise.

This pivot is well built, adjustable, and folds down for transport.