Diana has been able to use the toilet with a few accessories and some help. We started out using a pivot and a potty chair and now she has graduated to using toilet safety bars and a walker. Do to her limited mobility, it was necessary for her to stand in order to be cleaned up after using the toilet. This was somewhat difficult and often caused her to experience pain in her back.

We decided that a bidet might offer an improved method to proper bathroom hygiene. I did some research and read a lot of reviews and finally decided on the Alpha UX Pearl bidet.

I am certain that we made the correct choice. The Alpha UX Pearl bidet requires the least amount of space between the seat holes and the tank. I had to make sure that there was enough room for the safety bars to sit between the tank and the bidet. This bidet was a perfect fit.

Bidet and safety bars
Bidet and safety bars

The bidet itself has all the features that you could want. It comes with a programmable remote and a wall mount to hold the remote. There are individual settings that can be stored for two different users. You can control the water and dryer temperature, seat temperature, and water pressure.

Installation was very easy. I had it installed in about twenty minutes. You do need an outlet to plug it into. The only tools I needed was a crescent wrench and a screw driver. The unit comes with everything you need to install it.

We have found this to be very useful and are happy with this purchase. When you are caring for the one you love, anything that makes tasks easier or simpler is a good thing. Should you have a questions or comments about this item, please let us know by visiting our contact page.